Parkview Safe Routes to School and W. Illinois St. Improvements

ES560: Sidewalks and pedestrian crossing improvements are proposed to be added to Cornwall Avenue, Coolidge Street and W. Illinois Street. Parking will be removed on one side of W. Illinois Street, from Sunset to Meridian, to accommodate sidewalks and bike lanes on both sides of W. Illinois Street. This project is funded by the Transportation Fund and WSDOT Safe Routes to School grant. To learn more about the Parkview Safe Route to School project, visit the Parkview Safe Routes to School project page.
ES561: Sidewalks and added/updated ramps to ADA standard will be added to West Illinois Street and installation of bike lanes on both sides of Meridian Street, Illinois Street and Girard Street. Parking will need to be removed on one side of Meridian Street and Girard Street to provide the space needed for bike lanes. In addition, a small roundabout will be installed at the intersection of Meridian Street and West Illinois and the existing signal will be removed. To learn more about this project, visit the West Illinois St. Multimodal Improvements project page.
Consultation has concluded