Safety on our roads

Progress and growth of a small town can bring both positives and negatives. Discovering Bellingham for the first time in 2003 while visiting WWU with our son, we found ourselves drawn to the lifestyle of a city of 60,000 people. The pace of life and feeling safety in a small community convinced us to purchase our home here.

Returning in 2014 after retiring from a career that includes living in various international communities, we were amazed and somewhat disappointed to see what growth had brought with it.
From our personal experience living and traveling around the world we are aware that we bring our unique habits with us wherever we go…this includes our driving faults.

Our roads, intersections and crossings have become more unsafe as traffic increases result in a more stressful driving environment. I am seeing more drivers exceeding posted speed limits and running red lights with zero consequences.
Unfortunately due to an increased demand on the local police force coupled with a shortage of personnel, enforcing traffic rules has dropped to the bottom in priorities.

I suggest Bellingham leaders learn from other WA community leaders and explore and install traffic cameras which will bring a certain level of enforcement to our streets…resulting in safe streets for pedestrians, cyclist and vehicle.

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