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Consultation has concluded
We want your input!
Review comments on the draft Action Plan by clicking on the "Tell Us What You Think" tab below.
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The City develops a Consolidated Plan every 5 years that guides the housing and services funding targeted at low-income community members (those who earn less than 80% of the area median income (AMI), and primarily at those earning less than 30% of the AMI). This is required by the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), triggered by Bellingham’s status as an Entitlement Community with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, and a Participating Jurisdiction in the HOME Investment Partnership program (HOME). The Housing Levy and any other funding made available to serve low-income households is also wrapped into this process.
Each year, the City receives about $1.5m in new federal funding from the HOME and CDBG programs, and budgets $4m in Housing Levy funding through the development of the Annual Action Plan. Each Action Plan is considered a component of the 5-year Consolidated Plan, and must be consistent with the goals and priorities laid out in that plan. The process is also guided by our Community Participation Plan.
We are over half-way through our current Consolidated Plan period, which goes through June of 2023. We will begin the process of developing another Consolidated Plan this coming winter. Developing the plan is a robust process that takes about a year, and incorporates data analysis and public input in a variety of ways. Please keep an eye out for opportunities to be involved with the formation of the next 5-year plan!
In the meantime, the Action Plan that will guide the use of funds during the July 2021 – June 2022 period is available in draft form, and we would love to hear your comments and questions about it! The public comment period is open through April 1.
Implement the City’s Consolidated Plan
Address the City's housing and human services priorities
Explore the tools below to learn more and provide feedback!
We want your input!
Review comments on the draft Action Plan by clicking on the "Tell Us What You Think" tab below.
Ask staff a question using the "Ask a Question" tab.
The City develops a Consolidated Plan every 5 years that guides the housing and services funding targeted at low-income community members (those who earn less than 80% of the area median income (AMI), and primarily at those earning less than 30% of the AMI). This is required by the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), triggered by Bellingham’s status as an Entitlement Community with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, and a Participating Jurisdiction in the HOME Investment Partnership program (HOME). The Housing Levy and any other funding made available to serve low-income households is also wrapped into this process.
Each year, the City receives about $1.5m in new federal funding from the HOME and CDBG programs, and budgets $4m in Housing Levy funding through the development of the Annual Action Plan. Each Action Plan is considered a component of the 5-year Consolidated Plan, and must be consistent with the goals and priorities laid out in that plan. The process is also guided by our Community Participation Plan.
We are over half-way through our current Consolidated Plan period, which goes through June of 2023. We will begin the process of developing another Consolidated Plan this coming winter. Developing the plan is a robust process that takes about a year, and incorporates data analysis and public input in a variety of ways. Please keep an eye out for opportunities to be involved with the formation of the next 5-year plan!
In the meantime, the Action Plan that will guide the use of funds during the July 2021 – June 2022 period is available in draft form, and we would love to hear your comments and questions about it! The public comment period is open through April 1.
Implement the City’s Consolidated Plan
Address the City's housing and human services priorities
Explore the tools below to learn more and provide feedback!
Ask your questions here and a staff member will respond to you soon.
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Who does the Plan affect?
almost 4 years ago
Primarily, this plan affects how we give funds to our non-profit partners (such as the Opportunity Council, Lydia Place, Northwest Youth Services, and many more). These funds must be used to primarily serve clients who are low-income. We do require all of our non-profit partners to track client data on income, race, and ethnicity, so that we can know who we are helping.
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How do you use the Plan?
almost 4 years ago
There are many wonderful programs and services in our community – but the needs are also great. This plan helps us decide how much funding to give to different programs that provide everything from food assistance to mental health counseling, to literacy and job training.
Share May I review the Citizen Participation comments received during the public comment period for the 2021 Annual Action Plan and Consolidated Plan are available to citizens for review? Thank you! on FacebookShare May I review the Citizen Participation comments received during the public comment period for the 2021 Annual Action Plan and Consolidated Plan are available to citizens for review? Thank you! on TwitterShare May I review the Citizen Participation comments received during the public comment period for the 2021 Annual Action Plan and Consolidated Plan are available to citizens for review? Thank you! on LinkedinEmail May I review the Citizen Participation comments received during the public comment period for the 2021 Annual Action Plan and Consolidated Plan are available to citizens for review? Thank you! link
May I review the Citizen Participation comments received during the public comment period for the 2021 Annual Action Plan and Consolidated Plan are available to citizens for review? Thank you!
almost 4 years ago
Thanks for your interest! All public comments will be summarized in the final version of the Action Plan which is submitted to HUD. We will make sure that document is linked here. Please check back after May 15!
HUD Annual Action Plan for the July 2021-June 2022 period published as a draft for comments
MARCH 8, 2021
Annual HUD Action Plan has finished this stage
Presentation 1 of 4 with Bellingham City Council, Committee of the Whole on the HUD Action Plan, focused on the overall planning process, and capital projects. See Recording
MARCH 11, 2021
Annual HUD Action Plan has finished this stage
CDAB Meeting and Public Hearing to take verbal comments and questions about the HUD Action Plan.
MARCH 22, 2021
Annual HUD Action Plan has finished this stage
Presentation 2 of 4 with Bellingham City Council, Committee of the Whole on the HUD Action Plan, focused on programs that serve families with children experiencing homelessness. See Recording
APRIL 1, 2021
Annual HUD Action Plan has finished this stage
Deadline for public comments is 5 PM. CDAB Meeting focused on finalizing its recommendation to forward to City Council.
APRIL 12, 2021
Annual HUD Action Plan has finished this stage
Presentation 3 of 4 with Bellingham City Council, Committee of the Whole on the HUD Action Plan, focused on services programs and recommendation from CDAB. See Recording
APRIL 26, 2021
Annual HUD Action Plan has finished this stage
Presentation 4 of 4 with Bellingham City Council, Committee of the Whole on the HUD Action Plan, focused on the overall plan, and programs that have not yet been discussed. See Recording