Lake Padden Park Recreational Assessment

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This survey has concluded. Thank you for your time and input!

We are asking for your feedback on recreation opportunities at Lake Padden as part of an assessment for future recreation development at the park. We want to understand how you use the park now and how you’d like to use it in the future so that we can plan for uses that are compatible with both the ecological setting and the community’s recreational needs.

Please take the short survey below to share your opinion!


Additional Recreation Assessment Steps

Step 1: This survey is part of the first step in our Lake Padden Recreation Assessment. In addition to the survey, we will review other, existing data about recreation uses and conduct field-based observations.

Step 2: We will inventory the recreation and ecological settings of the park, including the condition of existing facilities and environmental issues and concerns. This will be accomplished through field-based assessments of the park’s recreation features and amenities, as well as its natural features and known impacts (e.g., invasive species, algal blooms, etc.).

Step 3: During this step, we will identify potential enhancements to recreational uses, recreation facilities and the environmental conditions at Lake Padden. Using written descriptions, GIS maps, and sketches and drawings, we will present potential park enhancements and ask for community feedback about the possibilities.

We are asking for community input about how people want to recreate at Lake Padden Park. If you prefer to take this survey in another language, contact us at 360-778-7046 or to request a translation.

Estamos pidiendo la opinión de la comunidad sobre cómo la gente quiere recrearse en Lake Padden Park. Si prefiere realizar esta encuesta en otro idioma, contáctenos al (360-778-7046) o ( para solicitar una traducción.

My prosim soobshchestvo vyskazat' mneniye o tom, kak lyudi khotyat otdykhat' v parke Leyk-Padden. Yesli vy predpochitayete proyti etot opros na drugom yazyke, svyazhites' s nami po 360-778-7046 ili (, chtoby zaprosit' perevod.

Asīṁ isa bārē kami'ūniṭī inapua la'ī pucha rahē hāṁ ki lōka lēka paiana pāraka'tē kivēṁ dubārā baṇā'uṇā cāhudē hana. Jēkara tusīṁ isa saravēkhaa nū kisē hōra bhāśā vica laiṇā cāhudē hō tāṁ anuvāda dī bēnatī karana la'ī sāḍē nāla 360-778-7046 jāṁ ( 'tē saparaka karō.

This survey has concluded. Thank you for your time and input!

We are asking for your feedback on recreation opportunities at Lake Padden as part of an assessment for future recreation development at the park. We want to understand how you use the park now and how you’d like to use it in the future so that we can plan for uses that are compatible with both the ecological setting and the community’s recreational needs.

Please take the short survey below to share your opinion!


Additional Recreation Assessment Steps

Step 1: This survey is part of the first step in our Lake Padden Recreation Assessment. In addition to the survey, we will review other, existing data about recreation uses and conduct field-based observations.

Step 2: We will inventory the recreation and ecological settings of the park, including the condition of existing facilities and environmental issues and concerns. This will be accomplished through field-based assessments of the park’s recreation features and amenities, as well as its natural features and known impacts (e.g., invasive species, algal blooms, etc.).

Step 3: During this step, we will identify potential enhancements to recreational uses, recreation facilities and the environmental conditions at Lake Padden. Using written descriptions, GIS maps, and sketches and drawings, we will present potential park enhancements and ask for community feedback about the possibilities.

We are asking for community input about how people want to recreate at Lake Padden Park. If you prefer to take this survey in another language, contact us at 360-778-7046 or to request a translation.

Estamos pidiendo la opinión de la comunidad sobre cómo la gente quiere recrearse en Lake Padden Park. Si prefiere realizar esta encuesta en otro idioma, contáctenos al (360-778-7046) o ( para solicitar una traducción.

My prosim soobshchestvo vyskazat' mneniye o tom, kak lyudi khotyat otdykhat' v parke Leyk-Padden. Yesli vy predpochitayete proyti etot opros na drugom yazyke, svyazhites' s nami po 360-778-7046 ili (, chtoby zaprosit' perevod.

Asīṁ isa bārē kami'ūniṭī inapua la'ī pucha rahē hāṁ ki lōka lēka paiana pāraka'tē kivēṁ dubārā baṇā'uṇā cāhudē hana. Jēkara tusīṁ isa saravēkhaa nū kisē hōra bhāśā vica laiṇā cāhudē hō tāṁ anuvāda dī bēnatī karana la'ī sāḍē nāla 360-778-7046 jāṁ ( 'tē saparaka karō.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Bellingham Parks and Recreation Department is exploring current and future recreational use and environmental conditions at Lake Padden Park. This brief survey is about your recreation experience and future opportunities at the park. It has fewer than 20 questions and should take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your participation in this important effort. Your responses will help benefit recreation and the environment at Lake Padden Park.

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Page last updated: 09 Nov 2023, 09:47 AM