Land Use Chapter
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Chapter Summary Released | Updated Plan Material Released | Open for Online Commenting Below | Planning Commission Discussion Dates |
| February 20 - March 20 >> See meeting materials and draft policies >> See February 20 Meeting Recording/Presentation (pdf) >> See March 20 Meeting Recording/Presentation (pdf) |
Each package of material for Planning Commission includes draft goals and policies. View the Planning Commission packets for details.
What's on this page?
Here you will find material for the existing Land Use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.
- We recommend viewing the Land Use Chapter overview from Planning Commission before diving into the slides below.
- The most recent chapter material is featured in the embedded slides. You can comment on them at the bottom of this page. Commenting is open through February 27, 2025.
- You can view older material below that, but we are no longer considering comments from them.
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View the November 2024 Chapter Summary.
Accessible versions available upon request.
Page last updated: 25 Mar 2025, 07:22 AM
This Land Use Section really includes many aspects of tools necessary to continue making Bellingam a great small town.
This Land Use section is very well constructed! anI feel it includes important viable options and directions to allow Bellingham to accept growth from others who decide to make B'ham their home.
I moved to Bellingam in 1988. Yes the population has increased...but it is STILL a friendly town.
Regarding “Complete Neighborhoods”: Creating places near where people live will ultimately come about through entrepreneurship and investor risk taking. However, without undoing zoning restrictions on small residential oriented commercial there will be no attempt to build these facilities. I support allowing small commercial areas in residential areas and encouraging them in new development. My idea of what that looks like are the small neighborhood commercial areas on Electric avenue near Whatcom Falls park and the commercial development in the Silver Beach neighborhood. Both are small in scale, unobtrusive, are principally used by residents of the neighborhood.
Regarding “Urban Villages”: The emphasis on creating Urban Villages since the City of Bellingham 2004 Growth Forums has resulted in appreciative multi-family mixed used development, especially near the I-5 corridor. Recently the Talbot property (Barkley Village) was designated an urban village. As useful as these developments have been in providing a large number of dwelling units, they do not provide the diversity of types of housing. The urban villages have provided multifamily housing. This proposal allows for construction of middle housing types some attached, and some simply small. The desire for units owned by residents should be addressed and providing new types of medium housing beyond the urban villages should help satisfy that demand. The original proposals for Urban Villages were supplemented by an expanded urban growth area that newer was realized, contributing, in part, to our current housing crises.
Regarding “Urban Growth Area & Annexation”: The City of Bellingham has reduced the size of the urban growth area since the 2009 Urban Growth Area Review. We are now faced with a very limited land supply outside of the City Limits. A significant portion of that supply is locked within urban growth areas that are largely built out (no new units possible) or have expressed very little interest in becoming a part of the City through annexation. The City staff has acknowledged this situation and is proposing to reconfigure the UGA so that buildable urban growth areas are available for housing. I support this.
In general: An approach that includes all of our potential planning tools will be resilient. Market demand for one or the other type of housing unit will vary, and this plan does not depend on a single approach to provide housing for diverse population. This approach provides for many kinds of housing units and densities within our existing communities and ensures that new neighborhoods will be developed in a mindful way. This plan anticipates that some actions will require additional infrastructure to allow utilization of our entire urban area including portions of our existing City limits that are currently unserved by basic urban services and the areas within our Urban Growth Areas and Reserves. The proposal does not prioritize one kind of approach: Urban Villages and Infill strategies are provided, Increased densities are provided, Environmental concerns are addressed, and long-awaited expansion is included.
I don’t see the Samish urban village as particularly “vibrant.” It’s the closest one to where I live, and there is little to no incentive for me to go there. The only coffee shop on Samish (Trove) closed up a couple of years ago. There needs to be a public area and maybe a block or two of businesses with a small-downtown vibe like Barkley Village.
Regarding transit, I think WTA should invest in smaller buses on regular routes. Except for WWU when it’s in session, I am rarely on a bus with more than six or eight people on it.
Please do not develop Samish crest! This is such a gem for this community, just like Galbraith mountain. That area being developed would only benefit the wealthy as those lots would go for a lot. This would not help any housing needs in our area
Reconfigure the UGA to remove areas that are not appropriate for development and open up the UGA Reserves for sustainable housing and employment ! Work with the UGA property owners to create public-private partnerships for infrastructure solutions and affordable housing opportunities.
When we naively supported “infill” and “affordable housing” within the city, we imagined that a variety of cute, small homes built on formerly vacant lots or to replace derelict buildings. And that might have been what it was like in the beginning. However, we now realize that these new regulations are being used by greedy developers for maximum profit. They buy up nice properties in desirable neighborhoods and replace them with a tight cluster of as many unappealing living units as will legally be allowed. With one stroke, any developer with a good real estate attorney is able to change the character of any of our neighborhoods. In the process, our property values are destroyed as are the life-long investments of families in the surrounding properties. The overcrowded development theoretically adds housing to the city, but the reality is that the density, rapid and slipshod construction, bargain materials and finishes, make for a house and a neighborhood where nobody wants to live. The units are bought, or more likely, rented, by transient residents. The additional noise, traffic, and asphalt makes our neighborhoods unappealing to everyone. Anyone who can afford to move out will leave.
The new regulations for allowing accessory dwelling units (ADUs) were intended to make a place for grandma or an adult child to live. Yet opportunistic developers use these ADU laws to build yet more units in their developments. And conveniently, the ADUs have more lax codes for building and parking. These ADUs can be rented to anyone or converted to a “condominium” and then sold separately for yet more profit. It’s a goldmine for developers.
This is happening in my neighborhood right now. The neighbors are distressed, frustrated, and angry. We seem to have no recourse against the developer who is abusing the system for personal profit. We neighbors and taxpayers are paying the price, yet we have no voice and no power to protect our neighborhood or homes. This is a travesty. What will the city do about it?
When we naively supported “infill” and “affordable housing” within the city, we imagined that a variety of cute, small homes built on formerly vacant lots or to replace derelict buildings. And that might have been what it was like in the beginning. However, we now realize that these new regulations are being used by greedy developers for maximum profit. They buy up nice properties in desirable neighborhoods and replace them with a tight cluster of as many unappealing living units as will legally be allowed. With one stroke, any developer with a good real estate attorney is able to change the character of any of our neighborhoods. In the process, our property values are destroyed as are the life-long investments of families in the surrounding properties. The overcrowded development theoretically adds housing to the city, but the reality is that the density, rapid and slipshod construction, bargain materials and finishes, make for a house and a neighborhood where nobody wants to live. The units are bought, or more likely, rented, by transient residents. The additional noise, traffic, and asphalt makes our neighborhoods unappealing to everyone. Anyone who can afford to move out will leave.
The new regulations for allowing accessory dwelling units (ADUs) were intended to make a place for grandma or an adult child to live. Yet opportunistic developers use these ADU laws to build yet more units in their developments. And conveniently, the ADUs have more lax codes for building and parking. These ADUs can be rented to anyone or converted to a “condominium” and then sold separately for yet more profit. It’s a goldmine for developers.
This is happening in my neighborhood right now. The neighbors are distressed, frustrated, and angry. We seem to have no recourse against the developer who is abusing the system for personal profit. We neighbors and taxpayers are paying the price, yet we have no voice and no power to protect our neighborhood or homes. This is a travesty. What will the city do about it?
The city is not planning to facilitate new housing that meets everyone's needs, despite what it says. I'd be curious to see the exact numbers, but my impression is that we're getting tons of new studio and 1-bed apartment units very quickly, but that it's not helping for a few reasons. First, it's my impression we're not seeing rents come down in any significant way. I doubt it's a simple supply/demand relationship. Does the city have any ideas what factors are preventing rents from coming down? Second, the growth we're doing now, and the growth that's currently proposed, does not meet the needs of people who need something other than a studio or 1-bedroom. The city's emphasis on densification and missing middle housing is not going to address this. We're seeing single family house and townhouse prices continue to skyrocket. People seeking these homes have to move out of Bellingham, including into rural Whatcom County where they need to use wells for water and septic for their sewer. It's better for the city and the the environment to fit these people in city limits. I want to see the city expand its boundaries in a responsible way. Let's remove the UGA designations from places that will realistically never be annexed, and add UGA designations in places that are good for potential development, like north up Meridian or King Mountain. That way, there will be room for construction of all types of housing, and transit and public facilities can be designed to meet the needs of these growing communities. Expansion is not in and of itself a bad thing. It's worse to drive what ought to be urban residential growth into rural areas.
I also have to add as a Sunnyland resident that I am disappointed that James Street is being considered for an urban village. James St is already so busy, and traffic is going to be even slower when it's converted into one lane both ways. If we needed to upsize sewer or water mains to accommodate ne multifamily growth, it would be extremely inconvenient when James St is down to two lanes. Plus, those oak trees are a real treasure and must be protected from damage. Instead, why not rezone all the random half-empty warehouses in south Sunnyland to urban village? They're all within blocks of Ohio or State Street and would be closer to downtown. There are already trails through there. The only reason that industrial area exists is because the train used to go that way before it was decommissioned in the 1970s. I just think it's a no-brainer to rezone that area. If it's a matter of transit availability, work with WTA to plan a new route through there. Frankly, Iowa St east of James is also an eyesore and could be rezoned to urban village, at least in parts.
Expand the North Bellingham UGA Reserve in order to provide a variety of housing at affordable levels. There is a need for the King Mountain and Samish Hill water tanks to complete system connections, provide proper storage for emergencies and maintenance. Infill housing strategies are also needed in existing neighborhoods. We need solutions for housing which will reliably provide variety and affordability so they remain in Bellingham.
We known that homelessness is a housing problem and Bellingham has a shortage of affordable homes. Housing supply and affordability are critical issues that need solutions beyond just infill housing. Remove areas in the UGA that are not buildable for homes and where residents do not want to be annexed into the City. Include the UGA Reserves for a variety of affordable housing opportunities and permanently supportive housing for our community.
I am in support of adding the Caitec and south Yew St areas into the UGA.
I am in support of middle housing and lot splitting to allow smaller lots and therefore smaller homes (~1000sqft) which will be more affordable for my friends and family making a reasonable salary.
I support annexing some more parcels of land, and adding more housing density. We are growing and people need a place to live. As an avid trail user, I have concern about all of the housing taking the form of expensive, large single family homes on big lots. For example, I notice that a parcel near Yew and San Juan might be annexed. This area is adjacent to Galbraith and there are a lot of trails (both unsanctioned and approved by WMBC). Deer, bobcats, birds, large old trees, wildflowers, and a creek all coexist in this area. Instead of clear cutting a parcel to put in, say, 30 single family homes, I'd be curious of planners could consider a denser neighborhoods with townhomes and maybe even condos, and leave more trails preserved, housing more people but leaving more open space.