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See where we have been and what we are up to next.
The Bellingham Plan officially kicked off in July 2023. The project is divided into four phases. Each phase of the project will include opportunities for engagement with the broader community alongside technical work completed by City staff. Staff will compile summary reports after each phase, so check this page often to see what we have been up to so far and what is up next!
Future Problem Solvers (7th & 8th graders at Fairhaven Middle School)
Bellingham High School Civics Classes
Sunnyland NH Association
Rotary Club "Future Bellingham" Presentation
Birchwood Elementary School
Housing Preference Statistically Valid Survey
Vision Survey
Student Survey
Open House Online Activities
Scavenger Hunt Online Activity
Phase 2 Events, Presentations and Activities:
Bellingham Plan Open House Events
February 22: Community Vision
March 6: Vibrant, Equitable and Welcoming Community
April 16: Housing Affordability
May 6: Student Event at Western
May 15: Economic Vitality
23 de Mayo: El Evento de Puertas Abiertas del Plan Bellingham en Español/May 23: The Bellingham Plan Open House for the Spanish-speaking Community
June 4: Housing Types and Neighborhoods
July 17: How We Will Grow
Phase 3 Events, Presentations and Activities:
Bellingham Plan Open House Events to Review Proposed Chapter Summaries
November 14 at Western Washington University (daytime)
November 14 at Options High School (evening)
November 20 at Cordata Park Pavillion (evening)
To see more information related to these events, visit our Past Events page.
See where we have been and what we are up to next.
The Bellingham Plan officially kicked off in July 2023. The project is divided into four phases. Each phase of the project will include opportunities for engagement with the broader community alongside technical work completed by City staff. Staff will compile summary reports after each phase, so check this page often to see what we have been up to so far and what is up next!