Law Enforcement Legislation 2021
Consultation has concluded

The Washington State Legislature enacted a series of new policing laws during the 2021 legislative session, some that change the way law enforcement services are delivered.
Local governments and law enforcement agencies across the state, including the City of Bellingham, are working to adjust to the impacts of these change, some of which became effective on July 25, 2021.
The legislation included changes to police tactics, handling of mental health calls, officer certification and decertification, use of civilian oversight boards to investigate use of force cases and more. Summaries of the most significant bills are posted on the 2021 Law Enforcement Legislation page of the City website.
Bellingham Police Department leaders and other City officials are reaching out to the community to explain the changes and how local policing and other City services will be impacted. The 2021 Law Enforcement Legislation page of the City website provides links to a video overview of legislative changes, as well as summaries of each new law.
We invite members of the public to use the options below to ask questions and provide feedback as we work to understand and implement new requirements.
Staff is available to respond to your questions. Questions and responses will be posted publicly after staff has responded to the question.