Ways to Grow

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*** This activity has closed for public input. Check back on the engagement page later to see a summary of this and other activities from 2023!***

Our city is growing. We need to plan intentionally for more housing and jobs. What types of buildings should we encourage? Where will community members gather? How will we tackle some of the biggest challenges we face? We want to know your thoughts and ideas!

Let us know the pros and cons of each of the growth approaches below. Each approach has an individual board you can comment on.

Want to see boards from the open house the City hosted on September 26 and public input we received? The boards explain how and why we plan for growth in Washington State. You can view them here.

*** This activity has closed for public input. Check back on the engagement page later to see a summary of this and other activities from 2023!***

Our city is growing. We need to plan intentionally for more housing and jobs. What types of buildings should we encourage? Where will community members gather? How will we tackle some of the biggest challenges we face? We want to know your thoughts and ideas!

Let us know the pros and cons of each of the growth approaches below. Each approach has an individual board you can comment on.

Want to see boards from the open house the City hosted on September 26 and public input we received? The boards explain how and why we plan for growth in Washington State. You can view them here.

Page last updated: 11 Jan 2024, 05:24 PM