2020 Surface and Stormwater Comprehensive Plan Update

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Consultation has concluded

We want your input!

  • Participate in the virtual open house (see Key Dates)
  • Ask a question during the public comment period (Ask a Question below)
  • Submit your comments (see Comment on the Draft items 1-5 below)
  • Take a quick survey (see Survey below)

Learn more!

  • Visit the City’s Storm and Surface Water Program webpage
  • Review the Draft Plan (see Key Information to the right)
  • Watch the Draft Plan presentation to City Council (see Key Information to the right)
  • Review the FAQs (see FAQ to the right)
  • See photos and videos about stormwater projects at work (see bottom right)


We want your input!

  • Participate in the virtual open house (see Key Dates)
  • Ask a question during the public comment period (Ask a Question below)
  • Submit your comments (see Comment on the Draft items 1-5 below)
  • Take a quick survey (see Survey below)

Learn more!

  • Visit the City’s Storm and Surface Water Program webpage
  • Review the Draft Plan (see Key Information to the right)
  • Watch the Draft Plan presentation to City Council (see Key Information to the right)
  • Review the FAQs (see FAQ to the right)
  • See photos and videos about stormwater projects at work (see bottom right)


The City of Bellingham (City) is updating its Surface and Stormwater Comprehensive Plan (Draft Plan) to identify and plan for population growth and development, ongoing operations and maintenance requirements, safety and property damage issues related to flooding, and environmental concerns for water quality and aquatic resources. The City’s Draft Plan and rate study update provide a road map for the City’s stormwater utility and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) programs with implementation strategies for the next six years. This is the City's first major update since 2007. This plan serves as a guide for the City’s stormwater management with implementation strategies for the next six years.

The Surface and Stormwater Comprehensive Plan Update also includes the results of a rate study and outlines a cost-based surface water management rate that adequately funds existing and future surface water management utility operations, outlines a prioritized CIP to meet service level goals, and addresses State and Federal regulatory requirements (NPDES).

Additionally, the Draft Plan identifies capital improvement needs (water quality improvement, infrastructure renewal and replacement, and fish passage projects), surface and stormwater program management requirements, and associated cost estimates for City budgeting purposes.

The Draft Plan identifies:

  • Background information on the City’s stormwater infrastructure, water bodies, stormwater modeling, and planning
  • Considerations and risks from climate change
  • The City’s fish passage prioritization program to address fish barriers
  • Details about water quality, facility retrofit, and stormwater conveyance improvement projects
  • An in-depth review of the City’s financial policies, program funding, and rate structure and details capital improvement funding scenarios and outlines strategies to help meet the City’s stormwater goals

For more information about the Surface and Stormwater Comprehensive Plan update, see Learn More below and the FAQ to the right.

  • Consultation has concluded
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